As a creative developer with a trained eye for visual ideas, I specialise in the development of web-based applications and appealing user interfaces that combine aesthetics and functionality.
My passion for Frontend development and design drives me to create innovative and user-friendly solutions. With a solution-orientated mindset, precise programming and teamwork, I translate visual concepts into functional and engaging interfaces.
Let's work together to bring great ideas to life.

With over 12+ years of experience in HTML & CSS the client-side world of the web is no stranger to me.
Leveraging modern JavaScript frameworks and tools alongside my passion for good design, I approach every challenge with curiosity and a can-do attitude, blending creativity with technical expertise to bring ideas to life.
As an engineer for websites I was always curious behind the process of creating the design systems behind them. That's why I often design myself and incorporate these experiences in the collaborative work. Knowing how UI-/UX-designers work is very helpful for communication and efficient workflows that lead to the best solutions.
When I am not coding websites, I like to pick up my guitar and practice or write songs. Music is a constant in my life that also supports my focus on deep work sessions.
This correlates with my previous light art work that gave me another creative outlet. The combination of programming, visual experimentation and building art with your own hands is something that stills excites me.
/Independent Projects
/Experience & Eductation
Frontend-Developer, Freelance
Frontend development of Wordpress ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) modules
Tech-Stack: Wordpress, ACF, Twig, GSAP, Tailwind, Flynt
Frontend Developer specialized in React
Building Content Templates for Craft CMS
Writing blog articles
Tech-Stack: Typescript, React, Vite, React-Query, PHP, Laravel, Drupal, MUI X, Craft CMS, Twig
Web-Developer building the company website from scratch
Consultant for technical advices
Building CRM system and individual booking form on website
Tech-Stack: Storyblok, Gridsome, Airtable, Zapier, Vue.js, GraphQL, Netlify & Netlify CMS
IBM ix
Senior Frontend Developer
Frontend Lead in web-based software projects
Building website & E-Mail templates with Adobe Experience Manager
Mentoring Junior Frontend developer
Tech-Stack: Adobe Experience Manager, Java, HTML & CSS in E-Mails, Javascript, React, Gulp, Webpack
Light Wizard
Co-Founder, VJ & Programmer
Design & Implementation of light installations for music- & art-events
Tech-Stack/Software: Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Art-Net, DMX, MadMapper, Resolume, Jinx
Design, development & management of website projects for private-sector clients
Organizing of exhibitions, vernissages & networking events
Social media management
Tech-Stack/Software: Adobe XD, inVision, Wordpress & PHP, React, Vue.js, Shopify, Drupal, Webflow, Lottie
Junior Software Developer
Development & UI/UX-Design of websites and (iOS- & Android-) Apps
Technical consulting for public-sector clients
Experimental development on voice-based Alexa Skills/Apps
Tech-Stack/Software: HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Cordova, Swift, Java, Node.js, AWS, Microsoft Azure, Browserstack, Episerver
AIT (Austrian Institute of Technology)
Software-Developer, Internship
Software-Development of the project GraphSense
Visualization of Bitcoin transactions
Research on explorative interaction possibilities via Microsoft Kinect
Tech-Stack: Microsoft Kinect, Unity 3D, C#, Bitcoin, Blockchain
University of Vienna
Bachelor of Science, Media Informatics